Wisdom Dental Clinic is unique for it not only provides medical services but also offers its patient sightseeing opportunities. We know the top three concerns of the patient are:
Wisdom Dental Clinic is ready to address all your concerns! With 33 years of clinical experience and sophisticated equipment, Wisdom can provide its patients with high-quality and satisfying services. We adopt the root canal treatment, along with the waterlase, which ensures clinical effect after one-time root canal therapy as well as the duration of dentures as the teeth after root canal treatment retain the original pericementum. Therefore, the combination of root canal treatment and artificial tooth root (the use of bar to connect artificial implants) can make "full mouth rehabilitation in one day" come true.
MoreGermany Advanced Equipment
Monday to Friday
AM 09:00~12:00
PM 14:00~17:00
PM 18:00~21:00
AM 09:00~12:00
PM 14:00~17:00
※Online service Please contact us for free at work!
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