Painless tooth extraction new trend
Dental also have collagen physician suggested that I need to fill the teeth after filling the collagen, what role?
Many patients will have a great discomfort after pulling the teeth, so the dentist community in recent years have developed a new bone collagen, you can relieve the pain and bleeding after tooth extraction, Visteon dentist medical team has used bone Collagen for many years, the effect is excellent, the prognosis is good. Collagen is often used in the extraction of wisdom teeth, toothbrush and periodontal extraction of the case of removal of small molars, because the collagen can reduce the absorption of autologous bone and induce new bone regeneration. In addition, when applied to diabetic patients and dry dental alveolar patients with tooth extraction wounds, bone collagen can protect the wound to prevent infection, guide bone regeneration, accelerate healing and reduce pain, unique double-layer network of collagenfiber structure can be a strong hemostasis, Can also be used in patients with poor coagulation mechanism to accelerate wound healing.
Wisdom teeth after removal, although the wound will self-healing, but the alveolar bone will slowly absorb the decline, resulting in the second largest molar sensitivity increased, and more prone to dental caries. Therefore, doctors recommend pulling wisdom teeth after the use of bone collagen filled with bone defects, not only to protect the tooth wound and promote the perfect regeneration of alveolar bone, gingival broad and beautiful. In the extraction of small molars into the collagen can also speed up the correction of closed space velocity, increase the degree of gingival crevice.
Many patients will have a great discomfort after pulling the teeth, so the dentist community in recent years have developed a new bone collagen, you can relieve the pain and bleeding after tooth extraction, Visteon dentist medical team has used bone Collagen for many years, the effect is excellent, the prognosis is good. Collagen is often used in the extraction of wisdom teeth, toothbrush and periodontal extraction of the case of removal of small molars, because the collagen can reduce the absorption of autologous bone and induce new bone regeneration. In addition, when applied to diabetic patients and dry dental alveolar patients with tooth extraction wounds, bone collagen can protect the wound to prevent infection, guide bone regeneration, accelerate healing and reduce pain, unique double-layer network of collagenfiber structure can be a strong hemostasis, Can also be used in patients with poor coagulation mechanism to accelerate wound healing.
Wisdom teeth after removal, although the wound will self-healing, but the alveolar bone will slowly absorb the decline, resulting in the second largest molar sensitivity increased, and more prone to dental caries. Therefore, doctors recommend pulling wisdom teeth after the use of bone collagen filled with bone defects, not only to protect the tooth wound and promote the perfect regeneration of alveolar bone, gingival broad and beautiful. In the extraction of small molars into the collagen can also speed up the correction of closed space velocity, increase the degree of gingival crevice.

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